What constitutes the human? Is it the complete combination of the material unit of the cell and blood, muscles, nerves, and organs as well as the mind. If so modern biochemists know the composition of each and every component of a cell are the capital of synthesizing a living cell by combining those chemical ingredients in the laboratory. LIFE= BODY + MIND + SPIRIT ---> VITAL FORCE No, they can’t over and above its material existence, there is something super sensual so life is to be considered as composed of three parts- The body The mind and The spirit This is a trinity of life the body and tissue are not life but they are channels through which life functions, what we call the vital force or principle or energy. It is this super sensual thing which maintains the body in living condition. This makes all the difference between the living and the dead. This thing, according to Hahnemann the father of homeopathy is termed as the...
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