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Systemic supervision of a woman during pregnancy is known as antenatal care . And knowing the expected date of delivery helps in it. Here I will tell you an easy method to count the expected date of delivery (EDD). The supervision should be of a regular and periodic nature in accordance with the principles laid down or more frequently according to the need of the individual. The care should start from the beginning of pregnancy. Things to do by the doctor during antenatal care:- History taking and examination of the pregnant women by the doctors it may include general and obstetrical history. The advice is given to the pregnant women by the doctor. It may comprise of diet, medicine etc. Importance of antenatal care:- -To screen in the higher risk cases. -Maintaining the physiology of pregnancy . -To prevent and to detect at the earliest and to create any complications that may arise. -To ensure continuing medical surveillance And profilexus. ...

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