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What is Spirit or Soul or Vital energy that complete human health- philosophic explanation

What constitutes the human?  Is it the complete combination of the material unit of the cell and blood, muscles, nerves, and organs as well as the mind. If so modern biochemists know the composition of each and every component of a cell are the capital of synthesizing a living cell by combining those chemical ingredients in the laboratory.


No, they can’t over and above its material existence, there is something super sensual so life is to be considered as composed of three parts-
  •  The body
  •  The mind and
  •  The spirit 
This is a trinity of life the body and tissue are not life but they are channels through which life functions, what we call the vital force or principle or energy.

It is this super sensual thing which maintains the body in living condition. This makes all the difference between the living and the dead. This thing, according to Hahnemann the father of homeopathy is termed as the vital force.

What is Spirit or Soul or Vital energy that complete human health- philosophic explanation

No blood, no organ, no nerves, no muscle is independent of the activities of the others, but the life of each one of these elements is merged into the life of the whole. The unit of human life cannot be the organ the tissue, the cell, the molecule, the atom but the whole organism, the whole man.

Vital force- its nature

It has the has the following character or quality


The word "spiritual" means "immaterial". So the vital force is immaterial and hence it is not perceptible to our senses. it is cognisable only by its effect when it works to the material body. As for example, we cannot see electricity and energy but we can feel its existence when it is connected to a bulb.


Auto means "self" "keratos" means "power". So the word autocracy means self-powered. The spiritual energy is autocratic, it is not governed by anything but governs the material body is the highest authority.


The word “automatic” means self-acting. This reacts spontaneously to all stimuli against itself.

Dynamic - 

The word dynamic means “of force in action”. The automatic energy (dynamis) is dynamic in nature. That means it is a force in action.

An intelligent and instinctive -

“Intellect “means “power to judge and comprehend”. As it is only a energy, it cannot reason out itself. Forces can cause a thing in a fixed way but they themselves cannot change their function according to the situation

“Instinct” means “inborn impulse” the spirit which of itself can only according to the physical constitution of our organism, and is not guided by reason, knowledge, and  reflection.

Role of vital force in a cure

In acute disease

If the acute disease is not of too violent character the vital force can overcome the disease conditions to its own power without outside help (i.e.medicine) but always in a sacrifice of some spiritual energy.

Sometimes the assault may be so great that the it is not of itself able to overcome the disease conditions can be completely destroyed. Homeopathic remedies will assist in both of those cases and very often save the Sacrifice of the energy as well as the life of the patient.

In chronic disease -

In this case, the vital force alone cannot extinguish the disease. Hence it requires medicinal help for its cure.

The spiritual power is capable of forming three types of actions in order to maintain the harmonious of the human body: - motion, direction, and balance. This action can be felt and seen in a different stage of the human life cycle. As for example, growth, developments are the motion and direction.

So to stay healthy it's not only by keep your body fit, muscular. It is the combination of body, mind, and soul.


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