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Hello Guys, Thanks for landing on “About Page” at
I have a single mission to share my experience with the world regarding Losing weight or how to gain weight naturally at home or any kind of health issue and it's cure or prevention by using Homeopathy, home remedy or natural way followed by home care through my blog I'll also share and explain about the case's I've treated and also explained about the other diseases and their natural and best way of management.

About Dr. Tinku Das:

Dr. Tinku das medical officer

Hello, dear reader, I'm Dr. Tinku Das.


  • BHMS ( Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery-) a registered homeopathic doctor.
  • Health Researcher (from Indian Council of Medical Research- ICMR and National Institute of Epidemiology).
You can check my Medical registration and Internship Certificate as a proof. This is both original and certified by Government Hospital and medical college.

Dr. Tinku Das Medical experience certificate from goverment
My Experience proof in Government Hospital as a Junior doctor 

Dr. Tinku das medical registration certificate from a government medical college in India
Doctor Registration Certificate


  • Worked as a Residential Medical officer for 2 years at privet sector Hospital.
  • Have 1-year clinical experience.
  • At present working as a Medical Officer (RBSK) under Government of Tripura, India.

I’m 29 years old, a passionate blogger from North-East region of India. I’m always eager to learn new things in the blogging arena and to fulfill my hunger. I spent almost 8 to 10 hours per day for blogging.

As I have the knowledge and expertise in the medical field so I chose this niche for blogging.
I always like to think about my blog and plan on how to make it popular. This thought encourages me to do more better in future as what I did in my past days. Every moment I'm trying to improve the quality of my article which I've already posted and also to provide new things so my readers don't get bored.
I love what I do and hope to build my career in Blogging with your continuous love, support, and care. 🙂
Thanks to all of readers and friends to love my blog. Hope you continue your support to as without you guys me and my blog is incomplete. I really appreciate you all for the efforts you pour to the growth of
Once again a hearty thanks to all for reading my thoughts.


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