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Rett Syndrome- Best Treatment- sign and symptoms--Life expectancy- dietandgym

Rett Syndrome is a neurodevelopmental issue that influences young ladies only. It is described by typical early development and advancement taken after by a moderating of improvement, loss of deliberate utilization of the hands, unmistakable hand developments, hindered mind and head development, issues with strolling, seizures, and scholarly handicap. 

Rett Syndrome- sign and symptoms- Treatment-Life expectancy

The confusion was distinguished by Dr. Andreas Rett, an Austrian doctor who initially depicted it in a diary article in 1966. It was not until following a second article about the confusion, distributed in 1983 by Swedish scientist Dr. Bengt Hagberg, that the turmoil was for the most part perceived.

In this article, I will explain everything related to Rett syndrome and what I learn from this child in my clinic. Its symptoms, best treatment, cause and is it curable everything will be explained here.

Rett syndrome is a genetic and neurological disorder a rare type, girls are more prone to have such malady. It has no permanent cure. A child has to be with this condition as long as she lives.
Common In Female

No cure possible

Genetic and neurological cause

Here you can see the girls pic and she still rubbing her both hand together all the time. her parents are very sad as they are very poor and can't take proper care of her.

They can not leave her alone for a moment even. She is restless.

They spent a lot of money and energy on her treatment with zero results.

What exactly causes Rett syndrome

Medical science still doesn't understand or find what causes this type changes in DNA. Yes, This is a genetic and neurological rare type of disease.

It is due to the mutation of the MECP2 gene and ths gene occure in the X linked chromosome. Typically it develops as new mutation.

Male has one X linked chromosome and female 2 in number. That is why it common to female. If a male got this type of disease those cases are fatal, the male baby doesn't survive for a long time.

How to Identify a child with Rett syndrome.

 As this condition is rare first it is important to differentiate it from other common types of the disease condition such as 

It has four different stage like stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 and stage 4. In different stages, it shows different sign and symptoms.

First 1 or 2 year it very difficult to realize that a baby has such abnormal symptoms. After 2 years you will identify some abnormality in you baby

Physical General symptoms

Rett Syndrome- sign and symptoms- Treatment-Life expectancy

  • Hearing impairment is common.
  • The weakness of limbs due to neuro motto impairment.
  • Some cases baby even don't speak.
  • Appetite is lost or eat very less.
  • Laughs every time.
  • No sense of urination or stool.
  • Wring or rubs both the hand together.
  • Loss of sesnsation. Motor and sensory function is impaired or damage, know as Apraxia.


  • The baby will fear eye contact.
  • The child is very restless
  • Loves roaming
  • Love to breaks things and make them happy
  • not so social or fear of crowd.

How to diagnosis

This very important but at first it is necessary to differentiate this from other common types of disease condition as this Rett syndrome is a rare one. 

The most similar type of disease condition to differentiate is Autism spectrum disorder, metabolic disorder, cerebral palsy, prenatal brain disorder etc.

Sign and symptoms help in the final diagnosis of Rett syndrome.

What is the Cure for it

There is no cure for Rett syndrome at present but there is some treatment which can help in the improvement of the symptoms.

  • The best possible therapy that can help.
  • Peech therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Behavioral Therapy
  • Medication
  • Occupational therapy
  • Social theraphyGood nutrition


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