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How Homeopathic Medicine works- The Best Alternative Medicine In The Market

Homeopathy is best known for its permanent cure of disease by removing the cause from its root without any side effect. In this article, I'm going to explain how about how homeopathic drugs are proven and for that, what are the rules or formula need to follow. And also a short description of this alternative system of medicine how its work and few distinguishing features it. Especial proving for a better understanding of how its cure takes place.

The basis of Homeopathy Pharmacy-

Its pharmacy is base on mono-pharmacy, pharmacodynamics, and potentization


Healthy human beings.


Maybe large, moderate, small or infinitesimal doses.

                     How Homeopathic Medicine works The Specialty And Originality Of Homeopathic Pharmacy/Medicine

Things That Makes Homeopathic Pharmacy Unique And Successful:-

-It has a philosophical background.

-This alternative therapeutic system based on a holistic and individualistic approach to disease. It treats the patient as a whole, not the disease. "There is no disease but sick people".

- It's pharmacy based on the theory of dynamization.

Unique and peculiarity of homeopathic pharmacy: The drugs are proven on healthy human being and symptom are recorded in Materia Medica in the form of subjective and objective symptoms.

Drug Proving:-

  • Homeopathic Medicines is proven in healthy human beings.
  • After "complete proving" medicines gets an entry in the real world for use.
  • During proving great importance given on subjective and objective symptoms.
  • In medicine proving, doses used are from minute infinitesimal potensis to the crude drug.

Drug Action: 

  • This medicine acts on the dynamic plane.
  • Pharmacodynamics: It is one of the branches of its pharmacology which helps to acquire knowledge about dynamic action effects of drugs on the healthy organism.
-There are no harmful side-effects or any post recovery injurious effects on the human system.

-The object of its pharmacy is to prepare each substance so that the whole of its active virtues shall be present in a form suitable for administration.

-The introduction of Nosodes, Sarcodes, and Imponderabilia is a specific aspect of this pathy pharmacy.

-The freshness of materials used is also a distinctive feature to be mentioned.

- It accepts a drug with its entity and totality, without attempting to separate a drug into its specific chemical constituents.

- Its pharmacy denotes the power or capacity of an infinitesimal dose of high potency.


Homeopathy pharmacy is a science and art, where science deals with the tested through scientific method follows the laws and the art are dealing with the application of medicine, collecting subjective and objective symptoms. These are the unique feature which makes this system special and different from another conventional therapeutic system.


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