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How To Take The Headache Out Of diet plan for weight loss

For weight loss, a diet plan plays an important part. Making a diet plan is a big headache. Without proper food, no one can expect to lose a gram of weight from the body. I hope you are aware of this. If you are planning to fat reduction and don't know how and what type of food to eat to is no need for a headache, as you are now in the right place. 

This article will provide you with a complete step-by-step list of this. So let's find your diet plan.

We have found the cause of the psychology and philosophy of our overweight in our previous article. If you did not read please read it here for a clear understanding. This series is only for weight reduction. This is the number two article in this series.

How To Take The Headache Out Of diet plan for weight loss

Read The first part of a weight loss series

Objectives of diet plan to lose weight fast-

- Here you can find what type of diet required for you
- How to follow this diet from the first day to getting slim
- List of healthy foods.

Please note if someone having a disease that caused you obese then you should continue your medicine and follow this diet plan.

Find how much weight you need to lose-

Find how much weight you need to loss-

It is important to set a target. Without setting a target there is no use of doing all this hard work. It will be like througing arrow at dark.

Now the question is how we can find our target? It is very simple. A healthy human has a balance between height and mass and that known as BMI, Body Mass Index.

You can find your BMI by dividing your weight with height. Just google it. The healthy range should be between 18.9 to 24.9. For overweight, it will be above 24.9. So, our target to make it 24.9.

Related Topic

Make a daily routine to lose weight-

Fat loss is a long-term process. you can't achieve the set target as I stated above. So, follow this process you need to keep yourself motivated each and every day. So that you can't de-motivate or lose track.

Don't forget my 3 mantras of FFA losing mass. As mentioned in the previous article to set a small target. A small target is easy to achieve and it will boost your confidence during the initial stage and will keep you motivated.

Things to do before following the diet plan-

For fat reduction, your food should be healthy, oil-free, and fat-free. So, I know many of us are addicted or almost addicted to some kind of unhealthy, oily, fatty food. As we are taking it for a long period it will be very tough to stop eating such food.

Healthy diet or food for weight loss-

Here my advice is not to stop that food overnight. This is only for those who have a strong addiction or love for so-called fast, oily food. Instead of cutting it at once do it by reducing the amount per day basis.

For example, if you drink 6 cups of coffee a day then reduce it to 5 cups for 2 days and make your body adapt to this. after this makes it 4 then 3......

Why I suggest this because not taking our favorite suddenly makes us sad and unmotivated after a few days.

Healthy diet or food for weight loss-

It is very important to find the proper and correct food for your body which will play a key role to lose your mass. Below is the most important food for fat loss.

Healthy diet or food for weight loss-

  • Drink Coffee Before a Workout
  • Mushrooms
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Yogurt
  • Oat Bran
  • Skirt the Salty Snacks
  • Olive Oil
  • Nutritious Food- fresh fruits, seasonal fruits
  • Change from Sugar to Honey
  • Nectar and Lime
  • Green Tea
  • Cabbage
  • Prunes

Importance and benefits of all the foods listed above are described in another article. You can read it by clicking here.

Small tips on weight loss

- Take a small amount of food.

- Every time you feel hungry eat salad and fruits.

Please read - Things that need to avoid during weight loss

When to eat during weight loss-

This is important when and what amount of food you should take. For this, we need our calorie intake. This means how many calories are required for our body.

The simplest method is just to multiply your body weight by 40 and you will get it.

Now plan a whole day's diet as per this total calories. Suppose you require 2500 calories than your diet from morning to night should be 2500 calories in total. Please comment below if you want me to give details on full-day diet as per calories.

Now someone may have doubt that if take the required amount of calories then how I should lose fat??

The answer is now you have to work out by going to the gym or yoga. By doing this you are burning the extra amount of calories which will help you in the reduction in body mass.

Please note that for workout and yoga I'll publish an article. So, keep on your eye or subscribe to our newsletter.

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Quick Summary

Till now we can understand that losing body mass and making a proper food intake plan is important too-

  • First, identify the cause
  • Set a small target for big achievements
  • How to implement the small targets
  • How to plan a diet
  • When and how to take a diet

By doing this you can achieve your target. Please comment below if you have any questions.


  1. So inspiring. Thank you very much. Please also write how to plan diet on calories


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