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Why I Can't lose weight- The Philosophy and the Psychology - must known fact by dietandgym

Weight loss is not an easy task. After following each and everything that is suggested by everyone the outcome is nil. so, If you are one of this then read this article to know the reason for not losing body fat.

Why I Ca't loss weight- The Philosophy and the Psycology - must known fact by dietandgym

My three Mantra the FFA to losing fat
  1. Find the cause
  2. Focus on the small target
  3. Act on the target
Hello reader. Before proceeding let me inform you that I've stared a full series of losing body mass. This series will consist of everything that will surely help you to lose fat.

The objective of this article

  • This will make you understand that why fat loss is so tough 
  • How to overcome it for a positive result. 
  • You will be able to make a clear path for your target to lose mass.
  • You will become mentally prepare as you have a clear idea.
Please note that the scientific explanation, what type of exercise and the required supplement for losing mass will be over cover incoming article of this series. Before that, it is important to understand the basics. Without this, we can't get the expected result.

So, first, we need to find the cause. My suggestion to you is not to go direct act i.e. doing exercise and take those supplements that help losing fat. We can do this later but before that, we have found the cause. If we know the cause then it will become very easy to remove the cause and by removing cause I mean to become fit very fast and quick by acting on the cause.

Overweight may be caused due to several reasons. But for clear understanding, I've divided this into two parts-

Over-weight due to sedentary habit.-

This type of people is usually don't have any diseases that cause calorie gain. They become overweight because of

- Unhealthy intake of food.
- Fast food
- No exercise
- Always sits in front of the TV. Means very lazy and don't want to work. Which leads to gain more fat.

Overweight due to some disease/health condition-

Some disease and in some health condition may cause you overweight. Below are few examples of most common ones-

- Thyroid
- Genetic
- Pregnancy- During pregnancy, it is common to gain fat
- If you are in contraceptive pill or taking any kind of steroids.

What is the solution

In this article, I'll be telling you how to find the cause and prepare your self mentally. Now we find the cause.

For those who have a disease, I suggest them to take medicine as your doctor prescribe and follow the suggestion I've given below.

Psychology of losing fat-

Psycology of lossig weight

Losing mass is a long-term process. So, you have to understand this first and don't expect any quick result as some advertisement shows "Lose Weight in just 5days". This is impossible.

First, you have to decide that "I have to lose weight" and to do this I have to remove the cause. To do this required daily routine of diet and workout.

Focus on short target- 

Don't think that after 6 months I'll have six pack. I will go to the beach and will show my sexy abs.

This is daydream and very harmful. Reality is, you will become demotivate after few days if you do this. As you are dreaming you will not follow the routines.

My suggestion focuses on short target i.e. per day basis. For example- today I'll do 1 hours workout and will take meal as per my diet and do other daily activity. that's it. Don't think anything further. Follow this routine for the next one month then you will become habituate of this. You are making your body to adopt this routine which your body not familiar.

Why I am telling you to focus on small targets is we human and our body take time to become habituate with something new. See, the diet and the routine that we will follow is new to our lives and for our body too. Before that, we don't have such a routine. So it will take time to adapt to it.

Now if you think or dreams that you will have six pack after six months then you will never be able to follow this new routine as you are dreaming.

If you focus on daily routine means the task will become easy and short as our mind will think this routine only for one day. And by following this for one month we will become habituated to this. Trust me after one month no one can beat you to follow this and getting the result of losing calories.

I know many of reader now thinking I did all this mentioned above but the result is still nothing. Here you need extra push for longer period. Give extra push and don't stop until you get the result. Believe me you are almost their just don't stop.....
Focus on short target


The conclusion is don't go too hard or too soft. Before doing anything first become mentally prepare. Otherwise, you will not find the motivation. Just follow my three Mantra of FFA to lose fat.
  1. Find the cause
  2. Focus on the small target
  3. Act on the target
Please comment below if you have anything to say and see you in the next article.


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